The Llanbedr Festival Committee also organises the Christmas lights in the village and arranges the switching on ceremony.
The cost of this is borne from the Committee funds with occasional contributions from Llanbedr Community Council.
Thanks go again this year to Cambrian Clearance for donating the large Christmas tree, to
Rich from RJ Electrics for helping install the lights and to Richard Workman for the music.
Mae Pwyllgor Gŵyl Llanbedr hefyd yn trefnu’r goleuadau Nadolig yn y pentref ac yn trefnu’r seremoni cynnau.
Daw cost hyn o gronfeydd y Pwyllgor gyda chyfraniadau achlysurol gan Gyngor Cymuned Llanbedr.
Diolch eto eleni i Cambrian Clearance am gyfrannu'r goeden Nadolig fawr, i
Rich o RJ Electrics am helpu i osod y goleuadau ac i Richard Workman am y gerddoriaeth.